What Binds Us Together

What Binds Us Together

What is it that binds one human-being to another? The thread of empathy, recognition that the other is not the other after all but part of the same human experience? Their pain is not theirs alone? That their joy is also yours? Because as poet Shahid Kabir once said poignantly, “Galiyon galiyon jiska charcha hai..woh […]

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Beyond The Chatter…

Beyond The Chatter…

Everybody seems to be running around, in search of something… seeking.. for that elusive love, relationship, object, peace of mind, security, work project or status symbol. And for some, it is a search to find the meaning of their existence, their purpose in life, why are they here, or answers to the eternal question “Who […]

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Josefina Baez: Simply In The Flow

Josefina Baez: Simply In The Flow

Power can be mellow, vulnerable, beautiful. And yet ripple with invincibility in the face of whatever life can throw at you.  That is what actor, writer, director of Ay Ombe theatre and educator Josefina Baez embodies. The capacity to always be open to bliss and pain, learning and teaching, silence and celebration, spirituality and psychology, the idea of ethnicity […]

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