Everybody seems to be running around, in search of something… seeking.. for that elusive love, relationship, object, peace of mind, security, work project or status symbol. And for some, it is a search to find the meaning of their existence, their purpose in life, why are they here, or answers to the eternal question “Who am I?” If only all his mental running around could help you lose physical weight, obesity would be obsolete by now!
Seems like it is ‘in’ to follow this guru, and that master, attend workshops and seminars by the dozen, promising you answers and pathways in days or weeks!
Not that there is anything wrong with them. In fact,  let’s talk from a space which is beyond right and wrong… because, anything that exists is here, only to help us – sometimes in ways that we love, and most of the times in ways that we dread!And yet, the paradox is that, there is an inherent danger of losing ourselves, in the process of claiming ourselves.  Too much dependence, outside of ourselves, or on structure, techniques or processes, sometimes can often lead us in the exact opposite direction. Everything has its place… and it is wise to move on, once we have crossed the places they take us to!
Like John Heider writes, in his book Tao of Leadership,“Beginners acquire new theories and techniques, until their minds are cluttered with options. Advanced students forget their many options. They allow the theories and techniques that they have learned to recede into the background…. You will discover that the quality of your consciousness is more potent than any technique or theory or interpretation.”And yet, on a deeper level, beyond the effort and practices, I feel, what is admirable is the nature of the human spirit to come home… to do what is necessary… to ‘qualify’ to come home, to the oneness, that we ignored. Also admirable, is that we are all doing the best we can, with whatever understanding and ability we have… and it is only natural to take refuge in a structure or discipline that we think will guide us  to the right path!
However, I guess its also worth wondering, if we can indeed really, take a moment, and connect with that consciousness.. a big word that, with as many meanings as you give it! To simplify my life, I call consciousness, as self-awareness – awareness of the self, through body, mind and soul. As I write this, I remember the lines from the song Arziyaan, composed by A.R. Rehman for Delhi-6, which go something like…“Mujh mai hi woh khushboo thi, jisse tune milvaaya”…Can we just sit with ourselves, and watch what is happening in our mind and in our heart? And I mean, without even counting our breaths, or in a yoga posture or focusing on a light or a dot ahead or above us?
Can we just move beyond these specifics and just sit (or lie down, if you like it!) and go where our mind takes us… travel along with it, like a faithful, loving and understanding companion – not questioning, not judging or looking back, or thinking about how far we deviated or how we may return!Can we go deep into our attachments, fears and chatter and actually have a chat with them..make them feel heard and then maybe invite the heart too and see how the discussion goes?
Because, if we can, we may just get in touch with the power, inherent and intrinsic to all of us, without exceptions.
Power, too may be a misleading word… may be more like getting in touch with our basic nature… the gift we were born with – to return home, whenever we want, unconditionally, without any explanations or justifications! Like a direct access card, that was given to us, before we left on the search, to access the eternal bank of abundance and love, and here we are stuck, striking deals with middle-men!
Sindhu Ramachandran is an engineer but with a passion for people and learning, found her calling in the domains of human behaviour and connection. What followed is an eight-year research into ‘Intentions of Human Behaviour’ which has now morphed into a project called “Simplifying Life!” Deeply spiritual in her outlook, she is an avid reader, an amateur documentary-film maker and very interested in mystical sciences, besides dabbling in writing when inspired by the environment around her!