Have you realized the importance of getting sufficient amount of sleep? Late night partying, watching movies, studying or working till late night and then getting up early the next day, over a period of time, all cause a long list of problems. It is only when you sleep, that the growth hormones are secreted by the master glands in the human body – which regulate the entire metabolism on the body and the body’s responses to various stimuli. It is important to get at least six to eight hours of sleep everyday.

 A good amount of sleep affects memory efficiency through improving the storage and retrieval of information. It also improves alertness. Less sleep affects the endocrine system – thereby altering the secretion and levels of hormones in the body – which affect weight, mood, appetite, and immune system. Chronic deprivation of sleep leads to weight gain, and makes it difficult to lose weight. Research has shown that chronic sleep deprivation also causes errors in judgement – thereby leading to a higher rate of accidents, mishaps and injuries. It is also said to promote “road rage” – as we like to call it. Lack of sleep leads to irritability, road rage, anger, depression, loss of concentration, lowered ability to think and take decisions, moodiness etc.

Chronic lack of sleep also gives rise to digestion problems, constipation, ulcers, flatulence etc. It also causes drug / alcohol / tobacco cravings. Sleep deprivation also lowers the immune system of the body and hence makes you easily prone to common infections or other problems. Lack of sleep  also increases the possibility of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, heart problems, cancer indirectly through weight gain, hormonal imbalances and low immunity.

Sleep is also very important for recovery and rest after heavy bouts of exercises, especially if you want to build muscles. So be as diligent about your rest as you are about your deadlines.

Sindhu Ramachandran is an engineer but with a passion for people and learning, found her calling in the domains of human behaviour and connection. What followed is an eight-year research into ‘Intentions of Human Behaviour’ which has now morphed into a project called “Simplifying Life!” Deeply spiritual in her outlook, she is an avid reader, an amateur documentary-film maker and very interested in mystical sciences, besides dabbling in writing when inspired by the environment around her!

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