
Is it a belief, a hope, an expectation?
Belief is an exaggerated expectation.
A conviction, an idea.
Hope is a mere peg to hold on.
A desire waiting to be fulfilled.

Trust is neither expecting nor holding on.
Trust is letting things be.
Never reflecting.. never suspecting
Never complaining of the betrayal
It is unadulterated acceptance.
A thing of the heart, not of the mind.

Trust is saying ‘yes’ in spite of.
Being vulnerable to hurt.
Trust is renouncing every shield, fighting no war.
It is a victory in complete defeat.

Nilesh P Megnani is a professor of philosophy who teaches not just the academics of his subject but the purpose of it to his students. He writes whenever he feel inspired and believes life  is workable hypothesis and love, the elusive potion that might transform humanity
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