I want to listen…
To the sound of fireworks
To the sound of nervous breaths
To the sound of hearts beating
To the sound of lips kissing.

To happy smiles
To the tears that over-whelm
To  joyous thoughts
To naïve excitement.

To the chirping birds
To the flowing river
To the whooshing wind
To the silent woods.

To the laughter of a kid
To the clinking of glasses
To guitar strings
To songs of love.

What I’m missing out on really,

is listening to me.


Anuradha Ganesan has an MBA degree in Human Resources and Marketing and has eclectic interests that range from crafts, sketching, painting, writing, singing. She is also a freelance writer with a Chennai-based magazine and owns a budding-outfit that she calls Ananyah (https://www.facebook.com/Ananyah.Medley), which caters to  her love for making things with her own hands. She  also works full-time with an NGO as a facilitator. She reads avidly, watches movies, surfs the net in her free time and blogs at http://myrealmofimagination.wordpress.com/.