Polka dotted joie-de vivre,

Black-and-white… soundless laughter,

Curly wrist hair,

droopy lids..bulbous eyes,

Miss Nimbupani, Miss Fonseca, Mr Bundaldass,

Hatch lines,

Horizontal, vertical, slanting, busy lines,

Church spires,

Cloudy beer in a yellow mug,

Flowered umbrellas,

Bendy palms,

Orange moons,

Still lakes,

Bobbing boats,

Sloping roofs,

Wide eyed cats,

Movement in stillness,

Stillness in movement,

Yellow windows in dark evenings,

Pools of light, swathes of shadows,

Busy bylanes, honking cars, chaotic traffic jams,

Goan weddings, frilly fans, fairy cakes,

Fruit baskets and wine bottles.

Endless life in tireless detail.

Mario João Carlos do Rosario de Brit de Miranda.

Sunshine sketcher. Painter of life as it should be.

Layered, interesting, ripe with irony and mirth.

Story teller. Illustrator. Town wit. Traveller.

Lover of chicken sandwiches. Muralist.

Protector of disappearing Goan innocence.

Wake up on an endless beach.

Rest in Joy.

Paint forever.

Reema Moudgil is the author of Perfect Eight (http://www.flipkart.com/b/books/perfect-eight-reema-moudgil-book-9380032870?affid=unboxedwri )