Everyday, I die a little – for I haven’t told you everything Everyday, I cry a little – for the beauty of you breaks me Everyday, I battle with demons that haunt my unsleeping spaces And pray to unseen gods who pull the strings that make us dance Or lose the chance to say or […]
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Category: Poetry
A Puppet With Two Strings
A puppet with two strings attached to opposite ends Each being manoeuvred by a different puppeteer If one pulls UP, the other Down Painful.. The life of a puppet with two strings attached. Given a choice which string will the puppet cut? Maybe both? Or none? Can’t choose between one.. Such is the life of a puppet […]
Stories From Kashmir-Valley Of Gold
Bahadur looked up as Abdullah patted his silky mane, They walked side by side as he held his reins. Bahadur’s body looked weak and eyes looked old As they stood and watched the Valley of Gold.. Where the sun sprinkles beams on shiny white snow Where the pine trees are arranged neatly in rows […]
Her body aches and the fingers are brittle with the abuse of the laptop keys that she keeps punching to release something.. And then reaches out to ease the pain of that blackened.. swollen eye.
The pillow is moist where a stream has travelled through the terrains of her face. The memory of a dream slips away in the rugged remains of time. This night is over yet another day seems millions of years away. Deepti Trivedi has a Post Graduate Diploma in Film and Video Communication (2001-05) from National Institute […]
The Right To Write
I call myself a writer But do I have a right to? With words broken, thoughts unspoken, buried deep inside of me? And every word beaten back a thousand times.. then picks itself up; wounded, cursed and struggles to earn me a living… Every comma, ellipsis, verb, adjective sentenced to death, like me. My thoughts shackled to someone’s whim.. My pen screaming […]
From Dusk To Dawn..
When God won’t heed a prayer.. what do I say? My mind runs…struggles to escape but my brave heart still wants to stay. What if I fail to go along with You in your play? Blinded by my own helplessness..I can’t see the path. Hold my hand as I can’t walk. Kindle my heart.. light my intellect with your fire… when my strength […]
A Place Of Light..
I don’t know where you are.. where you will go I do know you came from a place of light and laughter because when I looked up and saw your eyes I saw only sunshine and unblemished hope. I remember you as my childhood.. You in a hill side cottage playing chess with your nephew parodying the snatch […]
What If…
Grief should be a story well told.. we should be able to say, “Ah well, it was a life well lived and sad that it ended.. But here is the thing… nothing was left undone, unsaid, unexplained, hands were held, love shared, pain halved.. peace embraced, sure, it ended too soon.. the full stop came […]
Locked In a Goodbye…
Like the scarf flowing out from the small window of her carriage, the clouds float swiftly in the sky. Peasants are not meant to love or be loved, Still I fell. Fell into a love as deep as my heart.. But the white scarf waves a goodbye.. And I live in pieces. Like glass that shattered on the floor. Each piece reflecting a different […]
New York…New York
Living in cardboard box off 5th Avenue Nine floors high without much of a view Bagpipes on a Saturday afternoon Cyclists fill the streets in June People in Harlem dance to their own beat The sounds of the trains travel through the pipes Thud! A pair of heels hits the floor The neighbour’s home. It’s […]
My Yellow Room
I walked into the little yellow room, full of books and mugs, pens and papers, old and new, rusted and fresh, chaotic mix of memories, yet the most peaceful in the house. Where sweet tunes of silence play on an old record, where you and I share our thoughts, Where we dance on ‘aint no […]