This journey past old habits of entrenched inertia took me beyond mountains, lakes, fields and farms where green, pink, purple, yellow, orange homes stood in wilderness like unopened gifts. Past bridges land fills villages, towns and nothingness towards the unknown with strangers to teach that.. no place is unknown and no one a […]
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Category: Feature
The Gift Of A Name..
Realized yesterday, I speak to my pav wala, istri wala,paper wala,kachre wala, watchman almost everyday and yet I never ever asked them their names. Today I did, and they were so happy I did. I am happy too. Now I don’t need to address them by their professions; just as I would not like anyone […]
At Home With The Earth
Bangalore-based architect Chitra Vishwanath and husband Vishwanath Srikantaiah live in a home that is a rain bowl, a sun catcher and most importantly a living lesson in how to give back to the earth. To say that Chitra and Vishwanath have spearheaded the water-harvesting movement in the South would be an understatement and it […]
“That’s no good.” Before she could even contemplate a title, she found herself tapping at the backspace button. It wasn’t good enough, her first thoughts almost never were. She wished she could switch away from the brightness of the blank page on her screen. It reminded her of her empty mind, or was her […]
Bombay Blues
** The black and yellow lifeline Traverses, travels, triumphs over Claustrophobic by-lanes and Temporary disdains; As the sweat and grime, oozing with mundane Expectations and harsh realities coat the conscience, The lusty winds by the sea face offer hermitage to a Troubled mind. There is Hope. Between the tensions and pretensions and the 6.45 Churchgate […]
The Life Of Lee
Ang Lee is a quiet and baffling auteur. Someone without a whole lot to say about his craft but like an operatic conductor, he orchestrates visual symphonies that no genre can contain. He can touch any genre and make it his own and always with a quiet felicity that juggles the magnificent, clutter breaking […]
The Encounter
Eating the wind, I race through the night. My eyes, like a landmine… Deathbed for an unsuspecting insect, who just lost its way. I jostle with the cobbled roads, crater like pits, trying to suck me in… Their void, no less than mine. The road is now an abyss, and yet, you are all I […]
Lessons From Life of Pi
Religion is a just a life jacket But in a storm you need more ** Not all storms come to destroy Not all islands offer refuge ** God is not a ritual Evil is not outside The terrors we see around us often begin within ** Even when we are adrift we are getting somewhere […]
Talaash: Layered Moments
Like Zoya Akhtar’s Luck By Chance, the evocative opening sequence of Reema Kagti Talaash tells (co-written by Zoya Akhtar) a story in a tightly spun, unforgettable montage. Here the story is of the dispossessed and the marginalised. Invisible to a rushing, glittering- on- the- surface megapolis. The old woman with nowhere to go. The drug addict and the dog. […]
People are like jigsaw puzzles they have pieces. Some people get to see only some pieces of other people and so they don’t see the whole..only parts We keep putting out our own pieces together in different ways, trying to make sense of them unlike those who make their pictures faster than us..others Sometimes […]
26/11: Closure?
And so the 20-something terrorist was hanged to death this week and the question remains. Does capital punishment resolve, solve anything? Does it bring real closure? And who are we to judge whether a criminal, no matter how hardened and beyond redemption deserves to live or die? Who are we also to judge people […]
Old, forgotten tales of love Woven by lowered eyes Few of which you understand Glances and gentle sighs.Not destined to receive, The love you hanker for, That act demands largesse And pain worth dying for.Those lips may never touch And fingers never weave, Nights not turn to evenings And hearts never heave. But nothing less […]