Square One..

Square One..

And it starts again. Smriti Irani waving soap operatic fingers. Sanjay Raut blaming it all on Bangladeshi immigrants.Ministers reducing rape to rhetoric, screaming at each other in Rajya Sabha. People on the streets waving banners. Mumbai being labelled as a city of Maximum Horror just as Delhi was named the Rape Capital after the Nirbhaya […]

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Corbusier’s Chandigarh

Corbusier’s Chandigarh

“Le Corbusier has sought to create an architecture of passion in Chandigarh. His buildings-both in concept and visual language-have always been presented at a certain decibel level. No sotto-voce, no politeness but like Wagner-thunder in the concert hall.” This was how legendary architect Charles Correa described Le Corbusier’s design for the city of Chandigarh. He also […]

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