


Can you love someone, who is never there for you?

Can you love someone, who always criticizes?

Can you love someone, who is far away from you, in a different city?

Can you love someone who doesn’t want to talk to you?

Can you love someone who doesn’t love you back?

And who may never love you back?

Can you love someone with no guarantees, no certainty, no promises?

I’ve seen that it is possible…

May be because loving someone has nothing to do with them!

May be because every drop of love is valid, and needs no permission from anyone!

May be because we are always free to love!

And maybe because of the beauty of love itself!

And you don’t have to believe this…It is just simpler if you do!


Sindhu Ramachandran is an engineer but with a passion for people and learning, found her calling in the domains of human behaviour and connection. What followed is an eight-year research into ‘Intentions of Human Behaviour’ which has now morphed into a project called “Simplifying Life!” Deeply spiritual in her outlook, she is an avid reader, an amateur documentary-film maker and very interested in mystical sciences, besides dabbling in writing when inspired by the environment around her!