
Here I am, just floating,
not knowing,
where to go anymore.
Is that bad?
I’m just sitting here
contemplating the clouds
the wind rustling the leaves
the sun embracing all things
I’m here and not here at the same time
I hold only this instant
not knowing what comes next
and I don’t care.
The curtain slightly pulses
along with the breeze
my gaze wanders
to the scenery spread before me
a cello vibrates
a choir whispers into my ears
the music I hear
just knows how to capture
this moment
I register nothing
feel nothing
I am just here

Maybe what grasped my heart
or mind
was a symphony
made by my senses
maybe that was all
and maybe that’s fine.

Nathalie Rizk  is a graphic designer and copywriter. She blogs at https://nathalierizk.blogspot.com and https://bittersweetscribbles.wordpress.com/