What is a heartbreak
if not a long and rocky path, with no visible end?
You have to walk through pain,
and drought,
wearing the same squeaky shoes,
and a heart tirelessly screaming of pain,
on this long and endless road.
You see the little things
and the overwhelming things.
You see the sky, the birds, the trees.
You hear the wind, a wolf howling, a thunder approaching.
You feel the breeze, the warmth of the sun, the sticky wet clothes.
But you have to walk,
without taking a break,
with a rodent mind, with a poisoned soul,
relieved only temporarily by a nice view
or an agreeable scent,
by warm coffee
or a fine tune you hear at times.
Nathalie Rizk is a graphic designer and copywriter. She blogs at https://nathalierizk.blogspot.com and https://bittersweetscribbles.wordpress.com/