

  If there is anything more criminal, more crushing than injustice; it is a denial of its existence. I look at the dark clouds hovering over her head, sensing the claws that are tearing apart her sense of reality. The world outside is smiling benignly at her anguish, telling her what a sunny day it […]

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Reality Bites

Reality Bites

Muscles and bones Ache and groan The injury, forgotten The pain remembered Actions and gestures Tears and bonds The gaps, monumental The memories remain Torn with concern Anguish and sympathy Whom do I hurt for? The one who is distressed physically Or the one who doesn’t even know?

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The War Within

The War Within

Long before photography was invented in the beginning of the nineteenth century, Spanish painter and last of the Old Masters, Francisco Jose De Goya y Lucientes, known to the world simply as Goya (1976-1828), had anticipated modern photography through his etchings. A total of 82 these aquatint etchings by the artist – celebrated as an […]

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