Rhythms Of Life

Rhythms Of Life

The beat of drums, leads the thumping of my heart, The clouds bursting against one another; awaken the heart with a start, The flute pumps waves of melody seamlessly into the air, Peacocks dance in the rhythmic rains, as love pours down, along with streams of care, The strings of violins, invoke memories of love and […]

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Lost Love

Lost Love

This is what she had wanted. With a maddening urgency and desperation, like thirst for water after a long spell of draught. So what if the rains came four months ago, and had drenched her. With moisture soaking into clothes, bones, walls, books, roofs. So what…she still wanted it to rain and rain and drench […]

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Drops Of Joy

Drops Of Joy

  Have you ever noticed? The way the helmet jiggles when the wearer moves his head to music? The way  trees smile and sway after a brief shower? The way generosity meter goes up when the weather is beautiful? The way bikers try to wipe their eyes through goggles? The way the bhutta smells better during monsoon? […]

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  “The divorce is final. Congrats.” She flinched inwardly, “Congrats… for what? For being separated forever from someone I was to share a forever with?” Tears welled up once again despite the wish to remain strong and unperturbed. She looked at him standing a few feet apart with his lawyer. He looked back at her. The same emptiness in his eyes. The […]

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Cold rain…

Cold rain…

Was sitting at my window this morning, puffing away broodingly. My nose numb even to the smell of cigarettes suddenly reacts to the whiff of some delicious chapattis. Nothing can beat the smell of something hot and comforting on a wet rainy day.  Childhood memories danced in front of my eyes. The lilac colored window of a […]

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