She stood there, Like an old woman with concave lips Like an old banyan that spreads its arms wider and roots deeper Like that rock by the roadside that weathers but waits for you To take a breather and rest. The ruffling leaves echoing a friend’s laughter The swish in the air bringing the scent […]
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Tag: memories
Flavourful Pune
Last weekend I packed my bags and prepared myself for a journey through time. I was headed to a city which had acted as the backdrop for one of the liveliest and most exuberant phases of my life. Pune has always been my favourite city, second only to Bhopal which also brings back truckloads of […]
Memories Of Another Day
Last Sunday, along with family, I finally took that “stroll down memory lane,” or should I say, a drive down to Ottapalam, my ancestral home after 10 long years. As we neared home, we saw a family of peacocks returning from a walk. And instantly, my mind began reminiscing of a bygone era when mom would keep […]
New Love
I see only you my sweet, I hear your voice and drown out all memories of the world. I wake to live my dream. I wrap myself up in you, shutting out everybody and everything. Did I make promises to them? Did I say I loved them? I did. What did I know.. Or that […]
My Mom’s Radio
My mom’s radio used to be tucked into a small corner of the kitchen, where it sat in the midst of the fruits basket and the bamboo plants. It was a small thing, seemingly useless and archaic. It operated using a small dial that would always be tuned in to the same number and had […]
Growing Up With Cousin Killjoy
Memory 1 It’s summer time in Lansdowne. The hydrangeas are in full blue bloom. The bumble bees are bumbling along. There’s a nice warm sun smiling outside the house. Inside, temperatures are close to freezing. My 18-year-old long haired, long nosed cousin, referred to in family circles as The Genius (he shares a birth date […]
Snatches Of Time…
BREAK: When I was six, I broke a vase. It was a typical childhood mistake –a turn taken too suddenly around too sharp a corner into too fragile an object. When my parents heard the crash, they ran over to find me sitting amidst the pieces trying to put them back together. They took my […]
Simon Said..
I am a procrastinator by nature and at all given times I live with the stress of having to do too many things which I have pushed aside with the gentle stroke of one excuse or another. While I do take credit for all the good things that happen to me, I also blame my own self […]
A Long Night
10 PM. Our day has just started. Things don’t look too cheerful; there is a dingy slum, right before our eyes. The street light has a habit of illuminating all the things you don’t want to see, like a child defecating on the kaccha pavement. The auto passes leaving us in the throes of black […]
Lost And Found
Today as I walked back home from office, I came across this recently opened toy store in my already overcrowded, bursting at the seams neighbourhood. Usually the infamous Bangalore traffic is averse to the nickle and dime pedestrian and a slight negligence (even if it means trying to window shop) has harsh consequences. Despite all these lurking dangers […]
Losing It MB By MB
Stashed away in an old cupboard, inside a bag neatly folded around its contents, are old memories calling out to me from photo albums. This overtly melodramatic wistfulness has been triggered by my crashed hard disks that contained all the photographs of all my trips made in the last few years. No amount of software surgery has been successful on them […]
Just Another Day
It is day two of the (wo)man-animal conflict, and I have just finished kicking the little green frog out of the kitchen who has been jumping over my feet and jeering at my nail paint. I love animals so long as they stay in their own space but when they start invading my territory, […]