Why We Need To Audaciously Hope..

Why We Need To Audaciously Hope..

Symbols matter. Symbols sum up ideals that are bigger than phraseology and represent the best of humanity. And no one knows how an intangible idea brimming with something vast and indefinable, gets distilled into a symbol and comes to belong to all of us. When artist Shepard Fairey created the iconic Barack Obama poster emblazoned with the word “Hope” in 2008-2009, […]

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The Many Faces of Terror…

The Many Faces of Terror…

America has saved the world again. After thousands of civilians served as collateral fodder in the “smoke em out”  Bushfire in  Iraq and Afghanistan post 9/11, the poster boy of global terrorism is gone.  He did not go quietly into the night though and “personally” confronted the US forces after having dodged them for over a decade through cave bunkers and assorted […]

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