

All I see is red.

Urgent and arresting red.

The blinking lights on the road red.

Her hair in the wind red.

Molten rage and dry wine red.

Wrinkled sheets and horror-filled dreams red.

Bonfire embers and crossed out ledgers

Demanding a pound of flesh.

A rose in a book to remember,

A shirt in the crowd to forget, the silence

Late at night.

Too many glass hearts with too little left

To spare;

Signs that warn keep away.

Hurt rises from the dead,

A lit match in a haystack.

One wrong step to pry the future away.

Forsaken lives in a hellish despair.

Bloodshot eyes counting down the days.

A collective holding of breath

Until the clock resets.

Stubbornly holding out for a new beginning

As we race towards the end.

Waiting for the sun to shine through closed eyes

And all we see is red.


Sitara is part writer. Part scuba diver. And is always on the lookout for more portals to a fictional world where all the magic and dragons exist. 


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