Treading through the momentary life was I;
Igniting the self by the souls passing by.
Little did I knew that a moment would arrive
when the worst of my fears would come alive.
The conviction of my conscience exhausted..gone;
And the only sense that prevailed was that of being lost.
What does one do with a soul that hopeless?
Sob? Empathize? Yet the state remains ceaseless.
Seeking was I.. the road to my redemption
And the only power I had was that of perception.
For if you looked it one way no one was as lost as me
But when I looked it my way I knew I was free, as free as one could be.
Embracing my fears I take on a journey profound
For it was only after being lost that I was found.
To Aniket Pathak, the most fascinating part of living is being able to tell a story, at times by being a part of it, at times by living it and at times being privileged enough to know it. All these stories are nothing but a collection of moments of varied emotions, of ultimate self discoveries and above all moments of infinite possibilities. To the world however, Aniket is a student and his blog Embraced Moments is where he is the book that he reads, the song that he sings, the music that he listens to, the movie that he watches…the moment that he lives.
Hope for redemption persists. Answers to all our questions lie within us. Beautiful poem.
This is the link to my blog. I want to get published here