
It’s a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you’re ready. I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now. And you may as well do it now. Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.
― Hugh Laurie

I think I took this golden message to heart on September 6, 2015, when I bought my first bicycle. I woke up to an unyielding urge to do so. A sea of questions churned in my head. Am I fit enough to ride one? Will I ride regularly? Do I know which one is good? I dismissed the questions, and headed to a store to acquire one.

As though he understood my burning desire, the storekeeper eagerly explained the features of every fancy model. I took six minutes to buy my cycle. And, on the very same day, I rode to work.

After I reached office, I realised that the questions had evaporated. I was delighted. I never knew that purchasing a bicycle would give me such a sense of accomplishment. Since then, I don’t miss a chance to cycle. If I have to use any other means to commute, I sulk like a kid, who reluctantly packs up his toys before going to bed.

I have never been a fan of physical activities so falling in love with cycling was the biggest surprise. And, life is a collection of such revelations, and tiny, warm moments no?

A week ago, a friend suggested that we go on a long ride and suggested that I upgrade my bike. I knew it would cost a fortune. But, my newly-found love for cycling wouldn’t let me sleep peacefully. So, I bought a better one a couple of days ago.

The very next morning, I went on my longest ride. 21 miles. I was insanely delighted. Because, the ride was comfortable, and I saw sunrise after ages. That moment would be etched in my memory forever. Many vehicles whizzed past, but the drivers ignored my presence.I was perspiring, but not panting. The wind was chilly. The unattainable horizon was gray, but still bright. In that moment… only the sun, sea, and the sky seemed permanent, while everything else seemed ephemeral. I wished I could watch the dawn break everyday.

I bask in a myriad pleasures, when I ride. Fellow-cyclists nod and give me a thumbs-up. The funny, yet innocent looks darted at me by lazy cattle that cross roads. Enthusiastic dogs on their morning walks. Sleepy strays that curl up after a long night. The surprise on certain faces, when they see this enormous woman on a bicycle. I love all of them.

I do not know if I would continue to appreciate my new love forever. But, for now, I am content. And, that matters a lot.

Who knew that two wheels, and a dash of enthusiasm can change the way one looks at life!

Also, looks like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had already written about the awesomeness of cycling.

When the spirits are low, when the day appears dark, when work becomes monotonous, when hope hardly seems worth having, just mount a bicycle and go out for a spin down the road, without thought on anything but the ride you are taking.

Deepika Ramesh is a reader, blogger, animal-lover, aspiring cyclist, and a sucker for tiny, warm moments.

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