Sometimes I feel  that this madness just keeps on increasing. Like the background music of my life is building up to this great crescendo except that you cant tell if it’s gonna change back to a major scale after that, and if it does, maybe it will lapse back to the relative minor. Sometimes I want to run away. Nothing dramatic. Just walk to a coffee shop with a nice book and towards a warm, slightly worn out armchair. I want to sit there and read till there’s peace again. Till all this chaos aroud me settles down. Till the entropy reduces. But somewhere at the back of my head the second law of thermodynamics reminds me that entropy can never decrease. Entropy always increases.


But every once in a while, you realise that there are many people who have it a lot worse than you do. And then you stop complaining, suck it up and smile in the face of your now seemingly smaller,”problems”.

And if you’re lucky,

and I mean really lucky,

You’ll find a few people along the way who wouldn’t mind sitting there with you in that coffee shop from your imagination, and talking to you.

Just until there’s peace again.

And if you’re really really lucky, Irish maybe, they’ll stay even after that.

Freia Lobo is a 17- year- old student from Mumbai. She is currently in the 12th grade. She loves writing poetry and fiction whenever she gets the time, and is a voracious reader. She loves fantasy, mystery and thrillers but has a soft spot for chick lit. She plays the piano and enjoys listening to everything from Rahat Fateh Ali Khan to Lady Gaga. She blogs here