There is a song that is wanting to be sung. There is masterpiece that is waiting to be painted. There is a life waiting to be lived. There is this song in each of hearts. A yearning which is never quenched. And in some ways we are all learning to listen to that. When I […]
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Category: Spirituality
Listen To Life
Listen to life..There is no strife. Lovingly share from the heart Wondering about its art Together Seeing .. Not seeking Possibilities of co-creation In the midst of conflict Of the verse in the midst of What’s adverse Of the song, the voice in the middle of the noise Because .. Deep inside it all Lies […]
Pain seeps in Deep.. Deeper in us Hopes break trust shakes faith dwindles..fades Life is not mathematics The calculations fail us Logic fails us.. Thoughts crumble Success..the craving for it… fades Don’t sulk at the truth When you face it There will be resurgence Fake hopes glitter for a while But truth prevails And if you deny not, to […]
The 2012 To-Do List…
And it is going to be a brand new year soon and therefore, here’s a new list of things for you to do. I ask you to do them because I have the authority to, having done them myself. Get past your boundaries. Real freedom lies one to-do list away. – Talk to a tree, […]
So Much..
So many, and yet none… And yet one So much to say, but so in love with silence, So infatuated with control, but deep in love with uncertainty, So many beautiful illusions, but so in love with reality… So much love, at the right time and in the right ways… Ways so perfect, that you […]
What If..
You could have been a king. Won riches, land, commanded battalions and harems. You could have been the warrior queen who ended a war. You could have been the President of a nation and led your country to glory. You could have been an artist and graced homes, museums and galleries. You could have been an actor and led […]
The Now
I was once walking by a promenade. Which was, as happens in every fairytale, flanked by green trees swaying madly and raining leaves on me. It was perfect you know. The breeze, the sounds of the birds, the whooshing of the wind in my ears, the way a dog scampered across the walk, the cycle […]
Through Heaven’s Eyes
Life is but a delicate web, spun with fine threads of faith, coloured by our dreams, textured by our fate. Fragile butterfly wings, are such ephemeral things, in their innocent swing, lies the destruction of a hurricane’s spin. A grain of dust, negligible, to say the least, in the hands of time and tide, is […]
New Leaves…
The leaves have fallen and will be replaced soon by greener ones. Newer ones. Fresher ones. If it’s the end of a cycle for you too, doing these things will add to how much you believe in getting a new bark.. – Get a new hair cut. A style you have never done before. It […]
Reality Beyond Positive Thinking
When anything becomes a cliché, a jargon or a ‘should,’ it loses its innocence and beauty. And ‘Positive Thinking’ is one such thing. Not that its wrong or bad, but obsessing about anything is not respecting the polarity. And true beauty is always when we see the whole. Unless we can accept ‘negative thinking’ and […]
Slow Down To Speed Up-2
Continued… Peter Senge said that “Small changes can produce big results but the areas of highest leverage are the least obvious.” That is another reason why it makes eminent sense to learn to slow down. When you are engaged with higher leverage work, you need to work less frenetically. Life is more spacious. And fulfilling. […]
Slow Down To Speed Up-1
As we allow more space and reduce the pace, somehow, we invite grace. An affluent industrialist said to the Master, “What do you do for a profession?” “Nothing,” said the Master. The industrialist laughed scornfully. “Isn’t that laziness?” “Heavens no. Laziness is mostly the vice of very active people.” Later the master said to his […]