It’s no secret, how over the course of time, we tend to do things we don’t want to, loved people who didn’t love us back, got betrayed, hurt, wounded, until the heart was shredded apart…all of these, making small knots on the fabric of our soul, serving us as reminders…reminders so that we never let […]
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Category: Spirituality
This Moment..
This moment and nothing. This moment, the ripples in billowed clouds, this moment the surge to puncture,to tear the tears and fly off- to the winged cloud, the tailed cloud, the untamed cloud, the dispersing cloud, the undying-undulating cloud, the spiralling cloud, the mischievous and mercurious loud, the uninhibited,unshy,the naked,the mutinous cloud. Sarab Sri Kaur […]
Dear Universe..
I have stayed positive, written in my gratitude journal, prayed every day and tried to be one with your flow. And nothing! Zilch! I know you hate it when I live in the past but I can’t help it. Just look at last year – 2012. It was nothing short of magical. You got me […]
The Idea Of Abundance
We all grew up with a lack mentality. The illusion of not having enough. Even if you were well-off you had to face a world of inequality and injustice at every level. Poverty, illness, death and disease was the fate of the unfortunate or so you believed. Like the Gods didn’t favor them for some […]
The Boxes Within..
Boxes strike terror in my heart, the ones crammed with books and papers in particular. I will procrastinate sorting them until pushed to the wall. It is not that I am lazy or disorganized; I am just scared of hurting. And so the black containers sit scratchy and sore like corns on the toes, darkly […]
What Is Freedom?
Freedom. That ‘apparently’ ever elusive feeling that many of us are after. All our lives we think, feel or believe that someone or something is constantly taking it away or keeping it away from us. That it is controlled externally, and we have to fight for it. Usually, it is our parents who we blame […]
Fear is the outer layer that sheath we cower under hiding our scars living half lives afraid of anything that comes too close.. sunlight thorns rain laughter pain ** Afraid, we will lose our way if we let go of all that we know and recognise and cling to ** We watch life through half-shut […]
When The Clock Stops..
(Author’s note: This is not a work of fiction. But then, who can define reality anyway?)I was eating a cheesecake and a banoffee pie with my husband when one of the most important people in my life was on the verge of suffering a massive stroke. I was making one of my favourite sambars when […]
The Answer..
I don’t seem to know any more I wake up in the morning And stare blankly at the door. Trapped in a body wracked with limitation, Every breath is an act of suffocation. Am I the sum total of my successes, Or the product of my failures? Everything is a lie and illusion is […]
The Absoluteness Of Truth
There is an extensive blue sky stretching out above you. You have been taught to believe it is the atmosphere that wraps the earth protectively, cradling it in its arms. You look at the sky and see clouds drifting by, a few birds flit across. You see dust motes floating in the air before they […]
Beloved Scars
America is abuzz with talks about gun rights and regulations and I’m not particularly interested in this debate. But one bit of news got my attention and it was about Gabby Giffords speaking up about the need for gun control. Her whole life was turned upside down by one gun shot by a deranged man. […]
On the day of her Shradh, everything is normal. The maids come and go, people go to work, children go to school, the trains and the buses struggle to run on time; the sun rises, it will rise to its highest position at noon, and then disappear, letting the moon take over. It is just […]