Do not judge me for my repetitive rhymes; For I have suffered enough judgements in recent times. When the result of expectations is a marred reality; Even the best of bards lose their clarity. Growing out of love is a phrase overrated; For the action is glorified and the emotion understated. The emotion you […]
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Category: Poetry
The Irresistible Cliche
Regardless of the number of stars in the sky Even when the reflective winds fail to pass by With no care for the kind of day you just had Or without the approval from your mom and dad Irrespective of the shoddy balance in your account And the pending bills and the salary amount Without […]
Walking The Dawn
Roamed a while amid the lush green trees, across heaps of crushed leaves, Strolled within the crowning bulge of the sun, Smelled the warm scent of the freshly baked bun, Poured coffee, steaming over the headlines, Shivered in the crisp chill around the nearby pines, Smiled at a wrinkled soul wandering aloof with his […]
Life, beaming in a drop, hanging down a leaf, Life, that surpasses the shackles of belief, Life, flowing upon the rigid bed of rocks, Life, like a standing pile of balancing blocks, Life, always walks a path along the valley steep, Life, a warrior against the darkness deep, Life, breathing the hearts’ tiny beat, Life, […]
One Fine Life
I woke up with a breeze knocking at my window, ** I woke up to the sun, sending a ray of gold aglow, ** My feet crawled to the open arms of the clouds, ** Where the morning stood smiling, with chirping bird sounds, ** A breeze came along yet again to brush my hair, […]
The Eye In The Sky
Shoulders slumped, feet…sluggish mind..tense Fatigue and fear stalked me up and down the paths I trod. ** I looked up on impulse, And saw it up there An eye in the sky. Friendly, bright and clear. It seemed to say to me Worry not my dear I know the cares you have A host of […]
While We Sleep
The stale, rancid stench of them lines the sides of the streets, those who think they know us, Trying to keep up with the pace, falling back and losing ground. The city is always alive – buzzing – reeking of them Their odour mixing too easily with the perfume of […]
Let Me Go..
Oh..How I long for… Blinding Darkness… Emptiness…Nothingness… No thoughts…No memories… No pain… No regrets… Let it be all over… Oh.. How I long to Walk … walk… and walk Through towns, cities, hills and deserts… Regions all new, unidentifiable, Unknown and strange! Let unfamiliarity encompass me Bury me in itself! My very identity… defined […]
Love Is Matter
Love is a need like no other.Love is matter.The terrible, unstable kind, yes?The wild, sweeping kind that rips every notion apart until only nothing remains. And you weep, your tears are diamonds. Or perhaps the luminescent, sublime kind. The soothing, balmy kind, that caresses every scar, contains tides until only stillness remains and your […]
I lost my lover….. but love renews itself and surges forever in my heart .. somehow… No vows …. but I still feel committed somehow… I lost my tears …. but still I cry.. don’t know how… I exist…yet I feel a part of me is lost in you somehow.. My soul knows you […]
Hardly A Day Goes By..
This poem was written by the author to express his outrage at the way a leopard was burned alive recently. If you would like to bring the perpetrators to justice…sign the petition below.. hardly a day goes by and you are already a symbol a symbol of flickering outrage in front of a […]
This Moment..
This moment and nothing. This moment, the ripples in billowed clouds, this moment the surge to puncture,to tear the tears and fly off- to the winged cloud, the tailed cloud, the untamed cloud, the dispersing cloud, the undying-undulating cloud, the spiralling cloud, the mischievous and mercurious loud, the uninhibited,unshy,the naked,the mutinous cloud. Sarab Sri Kaur […]