During the last India Art Summit held in Delhi this January, Bharti Kher’s untitled triptych made out of her trademark stick-on bindis reportedly fetched Rs 1.9 crore, slightly higher than husband Subodh Gupta’s acrylic on canvas that went for Rs 1.2 crore. Somnath Hore’s Congregation in a Village sold for Rs 75 lakh, a Ravinder Reddy […]
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Category: Art
Tagore Treasures
“The world speaks to me in colours, my soul answers in music.” This is a famous quote by one of India’s cult figures Rabindranath Tagore who, even seven decades after his death, remains the pride of not just Bengalis but Indians all over. Tagore songs – famously known as Rabindra Sangeet – are still popular […]
A Miracle Called Love
This is a love story like no other but let me start at the very beginning. Two years ago when I was editing life stories of Indian women for the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, I received a mail from Aamrapali Bhogle. My first reaction was of total disbelief. No way in hell could a woman go that far into […]
At Home With Raza
When you are given a ‘post-lunch’ appointment with the grand old man of Indian art, Syed Haider Raza – whose homecoming this January after having lived and worked in Paris for over six decades as been as much in news as the record breaking acrylic on canvas Saurashtra that went for a whopping Rs 16.4 […]
Art Beat-Beyond The Fads
Unboxed Writers introduces Art Beat, a fortnightly column that takes you to people, places and trends in art, tracks prices that rise and fall, artists who have made it and also the ones to watch out for, events that become the talk of the town and those which don’t live up to the hype. Have […]
Man Vs Wild
There is the natural order of things where man, beast and nature inhabit their designated worlds. There is poise, equilibrium and harmony here and then there is chaos as we know it when lines are erased, habitats interfered with and innocence interrupted. Prominent art writer and curator Giridhar Khasnis possibly pondered these questions as he ideated a show about the unpredictable relationship between the animal world […]
Dance Like Them!
Watching a rehearsal of Prayog 3 at Delhi’s Kamani Auditorium is like witnessing an enchanting duet between tradition and modernity. This particular act is titled Kaali and the eight dancers are enacting the movements of the ferocious killer goddess, Bhadrakali, as popularly known in the South. The haunting background music adds to the dark mood. Death […]
Art Walk
There was a time when a trip to the bourgeois Hauz Khas Village was a must-do on every high-heeled art lover’s weekend itinerary. In the last one year, however, the sleepy South Delhi neighbourhood of Lado Sarai has emerged as the new art destination with as many as five new art galleries having opened their […]
When The Monk Smiled
Acclaimed artist Rima Fujita feels lucky to have met His Holiness, the Dalai Lama many times. She says, “I respect and love him because he is an extremely receptive and caring person. He notices small and sensitive nuances of life. He treats everyone the same – the rich, poor, famous, not famous. Once, he noticed me from three feet away and smiled and […]
A Dream For Tibet
On April 28, internationally acclaimed artist and activist Rima Fujita will present the original drawings of her new book, Save the Himalaya (foreword penned by Richard Gere and HH Dalai Lama) with other recent works at the Sundaram Art Gallery in Beverly Hills. All proceeds will be donated to Tibetan refugee children in exile. Rima’s paintings have the texture of a tapestry […]
What The Eyes Can’t See
It’s a close up of a man’s face – the eyes are closed, a slight smile hovers around the lips and the stark-white background brings into sharp focus every detail of a shaven head. The work is self-referential and focuses on the conceptual presentation of self portraiture. To most of us, this may seem like […]
A Sense of Humour
Is that a horse blowing its own trumpet or is it a donkey carrying the load of an entire household on its feeble shoulders? Why is a globe hanging upside down tied up with slippers, books, petrol cans, water bottles and a mattress too? The rabbit certainly doesn’t seem so ‘hare-brained’ compared to the ‘empty-headed’ […]