Imagine my excitement when I realised that the flight I was on would  be taking off into the Goa sunrise.

We took off with the help of runway lights, and as I admired the deserted beaches down below, the sky turned a dark purple.. beckoning me to take a look. As luck would have it, I was seated facing the East – ready to take in the glory of a Goan sunrise. It took me back to a night I so desperately wanted to watch a Goa sunrise that I Googled the timings, tried to figure which direction faced East, and eventually ended up not even stepping out of the room until well after sunrise. Perhaps that’s when the best memories are made.

Back on the flight, I quietly watched as the sky turned from dark purple to dark orange, slowly shedding light upon the morning sky. It’s a magnificent sight – your world is literally cut into two, with a line so distinct you’d have to believe that God has the best scale around. As the night sky of purple and dark blue moved higher into the sky, only the bright yellow rays of the sun peeked over the horizon. Streaks of clouds were now visible in an otherwise clear sky. As much as I hate to be sitting for long periods of time, I’ve never been more disappointed to hear the captain announce our descent into Mumbai.

As the descent began, the semi circle of the sun announced a brand new day. The plane came to a final stop at the airport and I caught a final glance of the sun and in a quick gesture, nodded my head in gratitude.

At the end, I’m proud to say that I’ve seen one of the most magnificent sights possible. A sunrise from 32,000 feet above.