Memories Of Rain

Memories Of Rain

It is a girl. She is walking down an uneven path on the barren hillside, placing her feet carefully on the loose stones. Her thin brown fingers are curled around some ferns with white spore smeared undersides that she uses to stamp Christmas tree shapes on her skin. She places a leaf at the back of the hand clasping […]

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Why Writers Write

Why Writers Write

I could speak for myself. But would you believe me, if I told you? Writers have a room inside their head where whatever they want comes true. It’s like magic. Really! Only sometimes, things start going horribly wrong. But then that’s an occupational hazard. And since it’s happening inside the head, nobody knows. Thank God […]

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Just Another Day

Just Another Day

  It is day two of the (wo)man-animal conflict, and I have just finished kicking the little green frog out of the kitchen who has been jumping over my feet and jeering at my nail paint. I love animals so long as they stay in their own space but when they start invading my territory, […]

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