It had been just a few days since she got the news of her incurable illness from her physician. It had taken a while for the seriousness of the matter to sink in and finally she had managed to ask, “How much time do I have?”  The doctor, after a few moments of deep thought had replied, “A few months if you are lucky.”
In a moment, her world had turned upside down and every moment was punctuated by, “Why me?”  Soon, she began to look back at the life she had lived. Had she really lived for herself? She found herself struggling to recollect times when she had followed her heart, doing things for her own happiness outside the expectations from her family. Who was she now? A wife? Mother? What did she love to do? What did she dream of? She was surprised that she couldn’t remember.
She rummaged through her cupboard and found her guitar. It seemed like an object from another life. She dusted it and tested the strings. It felt a little awkward, holding it after ages but as she began strumming, her confusion melted away. She soon lost herself in the rhythm. She played like never before, reminiscing how she used to perform before  a rapturous crowd. The musical notes swept through her, filling her with new life and happiness. It was the most perfect moment of her life. She knew she was dying, yet she felt alive like never before. She was alive. Now.
Vidya Subramanian is a a novice blogger and loves writing with a passion. She blogs at http://ofthisthatandjustabouteverything.blogspot.in

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