Papa:The Complete Man

Papa:The Complete Man

For most of my childhood years, I believed with a certain unwavering conviction (that only kids are known to possess), that Papa was no different than one of my bicycle riding, hop-scotch playing, squeals of joy producing little friends. There was something very light hearted and guileless about him that appealed immensely to us kiddies. […]

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My Father: The Pathbreaker

My Father: The Pathbreaker

This is an inspiring story set in the 1940s- a story of grit, determination, service and great entrepreneurship. Orphaned at the tender age of two, Narasimha had seen it all. Hunger, poverty, insecurity, and above all helplessness in various situations. He was sheltered by his poor aunt and uncle. Having faced a variety of hardships, […]

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Dear Daddy…

Dear Daddy…

Dear Daddy, Thank you for nurturing me. For loving me. For your warm hugs. For taking care of my needs so graciously. Thank you for letting me chatter and vent my heart out. Thanks for always giving me a logical reason before offering advice. Thank you for always standing tall. For standing up for me and never letting my independent and free […]

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