It is a bit surreal to hear Kunal Karan Kapoor telling you over the phone, “I have just come home. Let me order some food and I will call you back.” This is an interview that has been in the works for some time and today somehow, after a delay for which he has not stopped apologising profusely, things have fallen into place. I tell him as an actor who is going to be a very big star, he will be expected to keep people waiting and nobody will mind but there is no answering titter from him. He is obviously not looking forward to that moment. People, even if they are just voices are real to him, not just incidentals. Atleast for now. As we talk, the fan girl who has been exchanging YouTube links featuring Mohan Bhatnagar realises she is talking to a real person. A working actor who slogs around the clock. I wonder, if he thinks occasionally about what this moment in time means to him. About this cusp between success and what could be mega stardom. About this amount of investment into a role.
I realise he is not Mohan Bhatnagar but an articulate, well read, well- travelled young person whose life has never been formulaic but a journey full of surprising discoveries. His responses to my questions (even when the questions ramble) are not formulaic either. He says what he wants to as if he trusts that you will not misunderstand or misread. But yes, as someone who has struggled for long, draining years to be an actor, he will not talk about what it has cost him to come this far. “That is another story for another time,” he says in a quiet voice, not willing to dramatise the “story of my life.” Because, “I don’t think I have grown that much to talk about it.” Yes, he is different.
I ask him about the method and the madness in his performance in Na Bole Tum Na Maine Kuch Kaha (Colours). The detailing. He says, “Honestly, I went with the flow, with what was on the paper. There were inputs from producers, the director, the writer and then the instinct kicked in. I am rather confused as a person. If you were to ask me to define myself..I will probably take 15 minutes and then say one sentence through the haze . But when I confront a character, I know the character. There is clarity. That is what I mean by instinct.”
For a Chembur boy, to get a small town journalist pat was not as hard as it could have been without that instinct. He says, “For Mann Ki Awaaz Pratigya (where he played a paan chewing baddie), we shot in Allahabad and I strolled out of the hotel and walked into a theka (a hooch shop) and it was interesting to sit and watch and hear how people conversed. I don’t consciously study such things but if I can retain five percent of the body language, the mannerisms, the accents, it is enough. I love to travel and if I am in Indore, in one day, I will start talking like an Indori and pick up the nuances.” And the quirks, ofcourse.

The kind he has put into Mohan’s mannerisms and his patented exclamations. Does he realise he has created a cult following for Mohan Bhatnagar? There is a faint incredulous laughter on the other end. He says, “I honestly don’t know if it is a cult character, We are shooting all the time but I do notice people noticing me a lot more on the road and in malls. And when Sudhir sir (Sudhir Sharma, co-founder of Sunshine Productions) called me about this character, it really sounded nice. Maybe it was the aura of the man. I wasn’t really doing much at that time and he explained to me that this is a rustic character, “aise bolta hai..aise rehta hai,” see what you can do with him.” We did a look test, a kind of a show reel where I wore a Ganji and was pouring tea and even then the shot taking, the freedom I was given to improvise felt right, it felt good.”
Has the success sunk in? “Well, I get offers I never got before.To endorse brands. To cut ribbons! But workwise, not much because everyone knows all my time is committed to this. Frankly, I have never worked so much in my life. I have itchy feet and I always made some money and took off and travelled but that was a few years ago. I also sat at home for an year and that was not pleasant. “
Talking about his obvious connect with Mohan and with the other characters on the show, he says, “We do story readings, look tests and people pick up cues about what or how a character will be. I give a lot of credit for how we come across to the writers. It is a well written show and the makers have a clear picture of what they want it to be because the story is very close to them.”

He responds, “I honestly don’t know if I will get to do it some day but I would love to. My future, I would like to believe will have exciting, adventurous moments but am a floater basically. I don’t have any solid plans. And in the last one year, things have happened (on their own).” And maybe, more will unfold in the future on its own too. The state of Indian television, barring a few exceptions, including his own show bothers him. He talks about it without bitterness or malice or superciliousness but it is clear that as an artist who likes to take his time over nuances, this industry and its rough shod ways disturb him. He says, “Honestly? I don’t like television or the way it is handled. It is a factory, a machine where actors after a while are not even expected to act but to just deliver because the episode has to be finished. I am fortunate that I work with a sensitive creative team but I wish the television industry would get rid of the pressure to complete episodes, and get into the format of seasons. I wish, it would not pull you down and give you time to develop and grow. The rut can kill you.”
But if despite the pressures to chase TRPs, a genuine actor, a committed cast and a good story (despite occasional lapses) can survive the rut and inspire fierce loyalty in their followers, there is hope. One also hopes that he will soar on the wings of more opportunities and will travel within and without, as much as he wants. Because here is an absolute fact. Kunal Karan Kapoor is not a one splash wonder. There is a world within him that we have not yet glimpsed. And it would be an absolute privilege to see the unlived characters waiting for a life breath on a screen big enough for him.
Reema Moudgil is the author of Perfect Eight (http://www.flipkart.com/perfect-eight-9380032870/p/itmdf87fpkhszfkb?pid=9789380032870&_l=A0vO9n9FWsBsMJKAKw47rw–&_r=dyRavyz2qKxOF7Yuc
I am not quite satiated somehow…. There’s not enough by way of interview for me…but darn, he’s likeable, isn’t he! 🙂 Or do I say that because you like him… The jury’s still out on that! 🙂 I get the feeling he plays the character of the popular actor… Much like he plays Mohan Bhatnagar… “too guarded” comes to mind… Or maybe I need to sleep 🙂 this was good thanks!
Interesting interview. Loved it. It is always great to read or see Kunal’s interviews since he does not give parroted responses like most actors. Like you said, he is an articulate, well read, well traveled actor and it clearly comes across in his interviews too. Thanks!
KKK does not come through as contrived in interviews. He is the genuine thing! Love you KKK!
wow! through this interview, Mr. KKK made me realize that actors are indeed human like us. thanks for the interview. & Yes, he IS different 🙂
a wonderful write up…..d answers r just so plain & non contrived…..i thnk d genuineness comes across in his act too…
Thanks a lot for the interview.
I am a huge fan of Mohan bhatnagar and it’s hard to imagine KKK as a different person from Mohan 🙂
I would’ve liked to hear him talk abt Nanhi and Megha.. But, probably, that’s for another day. If i wud’ve called him, i wouldn’t even have asked a single question.. wud’ve just *** blushed ***
hii this is such an awesome interview.. i just loved every bit of it.. I’v read many articles of him since jan and everytime i read it wat comes to my mind and surprises me is his simplicity… 🙂 an excellent actor.. i wish him all the luck n happiness in life..:
Reema’s writing is very powerful.
Kunal is simply superb!!!!!!!!!No words to express the way he respects people,His Humilty is simply disarming….hope he remains unaffected by his success for that is the most endearing quality in him.Reema ,a gr8 job.thanks.
A honest man indeed!
Very nice interview. I believe Kunal is very simple human being. I wish him success in his life. I will be happy to see him in Cinema…Keep smiling Kunal
Nice interview. I belive Kunal Karan Kapoor is a simple human being. I wish him success in his life. I like to see him in big screen. Keep smiling Kunal…
What a delightful interview with Kunal Karan Kapoor whom I really know as Mohan Bhatnagar from the show Na Bole Tum and I wait to see every night these days in England is just something that cannot be true. I just love him and we have a big group on facebook who share from pictures and comments. He is so beautifully cast against Akanksha the beautiful Megha and we just adore them but Mohan is more talked about. His style, his expressions and his actions are so loveable and unique. And we wish that it never stops. Thank you for this beautiful interview with our favourite actor playing Mohan Bhatnagar.
Dear Reema,
This has to be the best interview cum write up on both Mohan and Kunal – the overlap, and the distinction.
He is different – if it wasn’t evident, this article says it. I want add that you’re not a usual serving from the scribe tribe either. Viewing a difference, being able to comprehend, and then put it across for readers/viewers in a block by block manner isn’t every interview/write up’s forte! Kudos for that, and keep that pen moving! =)
As for Kunal Karan Kapoor – you mention his not being a one splash wonder, but a world within. Struggle – before and after Mohan – of whatever kinds, clearly he is here to stay. Sustain. Survive. Succeed!
Thanks again for sharing the interview!
– Jazz
Such a nice & fab interview of kunal.thanks Reema 4 taking this.fantastic written.well,it was a gr8,awsme acting by kunal.& I like his simplicity.d way,he representing his dilogues.Kunal a big fan of urs. eagerly waiting to see u in films also.Wish u all d best 4 near future.
Such a nice & fab interview of kunal.thanks Reema 4 taking this.fantastic written.well,it was a gr8,awsme acting by kunal.& I like his simplicity.d way,he representing his dilogues.Kunal a big fan of urs. glad to see u in films also.Wish u all d best 4 near future.
Dear Reema,
Another insightful , well written interview of a very talented actor, whom it is a pleasure to watch. In fact, he is so good that for once in my life, I am totally involved in a series and a character. I feel bad for him when he is down and out and exasperated with him when he is obviously messing things up. On TV today, Kunal as Mohan Bhatnagar , in my opinion does a far better job than a lot of veterans in big budget shows.
Yes, he will do well as fortunately he seems to choose a wide variety of roles and is not typecast.
Would like to see a lot more of him! And look forward to reading a lot more of your work.
thank you guys and am a great fan of Kunal’s work as well and there was so much to ask him and I wish I had ! Another time maybe and deep gratitude for stopping by and sharing such positivity 🙂
simply honest..that is the interview …and that is the person.
Happy to know more about Kunal.
the interest deespens….;-)
nice interview. i think kunal is just the same as mohan in real life. you are different than others. all the best.
kunal ji i am big fan of your acting , i have almost seen your interviews and like the way you answer the questions honesty,and also like your voice modulation and your singing too . Recently i have seen you in a interview saying that you get upset when anybody says you to sing but you know you have very good voice and this is a complement hope to hear sing in next interview not at all a joke. serious thank you for your wonderful work may all wishes come true ……..have a beautiful day
kunal bhai i love you so much
i guess after KSG i have liked this guy ad have watched Nbt because of him .he is the first INDIAN television actor my father likes and NBT is the first Indian drama he watches ….HE IS REALLY A GIFTED GUY AND THE EFFORT HE HAS PUT IN IS CLEARLY VISIBLE …IT WASA VERY DIFFERENT INTERVIEW AND KKK HAS SOMETHING REALLY EXTRA ,OVER THE EDGE WHICH CATCHES UR ATTENTION ….KEEP WINING THE HEARTS
Hello Reema,
Fantastic character.
Fantastic actor.
Can see the ease when he talks to you about himself and MB. He is a confident guy and seems a little more relaxed than MB. The article gives you a peek into what KKK is all about, but still waves a mystery web around him. His fans will keep guessing. I hope we get to read more about him real soon. 🙂
Love your writing.
hi reema,
i m frm australia nd i m huge fan of NBT just coz of KUNAL KARAN KAPOOR.nice article written by u. such a gr8 writer u r. Kunal not only popular in india bt very popular in Australia as well. he is so down to earth. My 5 yr old son speaks his language such as AREE SUNN NAA nd SACHI MUCHI. originally i m frm PATIALA as well like u. KUNAL simply ROCKSSSSS :-))))
hi reema..thax for d interview…hmm..wht i absorb abt him through his interviews tht i hav seen and frm this is tht he has seen so many ups n downs in his life n abhi bhi aisa bhout kuch hai kunal ke dil mein jo may be vo kisi se share nahi krta ya krna nahi chahta..bt i would like to tell him tht dont wory god is always wid u and surely one day u wil get tht wht u deserve..u r a superb actor nd a very nice n honest person,would like to see u in movies too..i hav soo much to write bt i dont knw how to xpress my feelings into words..so jst all i cn say is ALL D VERY BST FOR FUTURE..WE ALL LOVE U..TC KUNAL :))
tx again everyone..so moved by all these messages..:)
what an interview!
thanks a lot….it was a pleasure reading it
Wow Reema..what a great way of capturing the essence of an actor and the person living within him…Only you could do so much justice to his sensibilities and sensitivity…Great Interview…:)))
Thanks a lot Reema jii for introducing the real Kunal Karan Kapoor. 😀
I missed watching Remix, but ‘HONESTLY’ ! I neva missed a single episode of LRL 🙂 ! I wudnt wait for anybdy in the serial bt Alec and Yudi (;)) ..he surely marked the end of LRL 😐 ! I could watch him perform in pratigya, bt was kinda busy;-( ..and when Nbtnmkk aired on colorz, you shud knw who is realy a die hard fan nw :-);-)…great wrk
kunal i love u alot
kunal i love alote i want to see u only 1 time plzzzzzzzzzzzz
you r perfect in ur field…… its ur eyes dat i luv d most coz it conveys everything even if u r silent…nd just bcoz of ur eyes i feel connected….
Ur eyes speak volumes .Wonderful acting. Superb!!!!!!!!
Reemaji , Thanks to U for this lovely interview with the person KKK. I have not missed a single episode of NBTNMKK. All true to life characters .!!!!!!!!
Awesome interview thnk u very much for this interview….Kunal is alwayz best…he has something in him that is still unexplored….we wish that could also be revealed in near future so that we can know this super star more n more as all want it….crazy abt Kunal n Aakanksha i m….n really wish to have them together all their lives. Love u Kunal. 🙂
Aee Sunnnna Na…….. I just love Mohan n his this interview is speechless. One thing I wanna tell, I know aisa kabhi hoga nai bt agar kbi bhi 2m{kunal} mere ye comments padlo by chance to mai ye btana chahti hu that for 1 time i can leave my boards bt not ur serial which really has a cute name NA BOLE TUM NA MAINE KUCH KHA i just love it n u ofcourse i can’t leave that for even 2 mins,really i love that. U won’t blive bt jb ek bar mujhe fever tha mer ko mummy ne davai khila ke sula diya bt mai apna favourite show kaise mis kr deti mai 10:30p.m. Ka alarm laga ke soi thi, n it’s really true. Mohan yar 2mara dressing sense kamal ka hai n hair style n even ur eyes they r just lovely. Mai to apne frnds se bhi din bhar 2mari{mohan/kkk} hi bate krti rehti hu. N at last one main thing ‘Maine bhagwan g se pray kra hai ki mera husband i mean jb bi meri shadi ho mera husband bilkul 2mhare jaisa ho.
keep smiling n God bless u, yar i really love u i wanna talk with u also wanna meet u bt i know this dream of mine will always be like a dream only throughout my life.
Bye:-) lots of love take care:-)
Kunal yar u r supppup even more than this mai har chiz ke bina rehlungi bt 2mare serial ke bina meri life kuch bhi nai hai. MOHAN BHATNAGAR yar hats off to u. Mai fida hu 2mh pe kash kash ek bar galti se mera no.2mare phn pe lag jae or 2m mere se baat my god my life wil b paradise. Yar i really love u may b one of the biggest fan of u
I m in awe of your articles n writing style. you have really described mohan n kunal with so much clarity leaving no point untouched.
sadly the show is going off air. i wish i could talk to kunal at this point in time
reemaji thanks…..
kunal u have a special place in our heart,u made speachless when we r watching u NBT..may god give all the success in u r life…loads of love
Thanks for the interview of KKK. I am never been hooked to television in my whole life like now i am because of only NBTNMKK. The serial is awesome and more touching is the story and its brilliant execution and support of actors. i personally feel that all things r happening with me when i see kkk. he makes me cry , joy and many more .i know that this is acting but inspite of this his mannerisms and craft of acting is something that transports u in the world of classic hindi serial.
Hai! Mohan your acting is fantastic. You are such a wonderful guy. Everyday i watch your serial. No one cann’t do just like you. I pray for your health and beautiful future. Have a successful life!
Mohan ji you are not nly famous in north.. now u have million fans in south also as NBT is remaked in Tamil Channel… There are thousands of heart praying for ur success and happiness… 🙂 All the very best for ur future endeavors… 🙂 Thanks for such an awesome interview… 🙂
kunal karan kapoor plzzz come back toooo season3
we like kunal karan kapoor acting very much. he is acting like real life family man. we are also like to live like this mohan and megha.
our family wants to meet him once in our life time or otherwise we wants to send our love through some special gift to Mr. Kunal Karan Kapoor. But we don’t have address, please can you send his any contacts or postal address.
kkunal plz come on tv back with na bole tum season 3