Honesty..passion and connection are words that Kunal Karan Kapoor uses a lot in his conversation. Every sentence either begins or ends or draws from what these words stand for. After chatting to him today, I was watching a tribute to RD Burman and someone said about him, “he always believed that rhythm was within. And all you needed to do was to tap it.” That set me thinking again about something that has been playing on my mind lately. What it is that sets creators of art apart from generators of profit. What sets apart a Vinod Sehgal (those who have heard him in Jagjit Singh’s seminal album Kehkashan know him) and a Yo Yo Honey Singh. What sets RD Burman apart from seasonal successes that eclipsed him when he was alive. That made a Van Gogh paint like maybe his life depended on it and maybe it did. Yes, that something that cannot be faked. That seed of truth. Of yes, honesty, passion and the need to connect at any cost. The need to create regardless of success or failure. That is what any craft is all about. Be it writing, acting or music or photography.
Kunal has been photographing life too the same way he acts. With a driving need to capture a moment that says something, means something, when the sky is mirrored by the ocean, and the sunset is a limpid pause between the past and the future. When life stops to look at itself and smiles rapturously. He says, “Yes, someone suggested a coffee table book or an exhibition..I don’t think I am that good though.” I remind him that what connects cannot be judged or measured and he perhaps nods on the other end of the line or perhaps not. He says however, “Maybe even a badly taken picture sometimes says something that connects with people. Connection. That is what it is all about in the end.” So it is.
Post Season 2 of Na Bole Tum Na Maine Kuch Kaha, he has been travelling and in his words, “moving houses, entertaining family and catching up with life.” How important it is to live a well..rounded life as an actor? He says, “Very.. but when you are in the middle of a TV show, it is hard to make any time for life. You are shooting, working, striving to catch up on rest and sleep and that is why when when Season 2 ended, I was on my toes, with my bags packed, ready to leave and one day just drove out of the city in my car without knowing where I was headed.”
His life has been a bit like that too. Is he surprised that without a roadmap, he has come as far as he has? He chuckles, “Yes! It is almost like someone is watching over me. When NBT was offered to me, I didn’t want to do it but it happened anyway.” And the unexpected award especially at a time when he is never given his due in most award functions. Did he feel vindicated when he won finally, unexpectedly? He says, “I was on top of the world. When I was on the stage, holding that trophy, my eyes lingered on the NBT team and I saw the smiles on their faces. They were beaming with such glowing effervescence..it was surreal. I just felt such gratefulness that I had been given this chance to stand here, that the universe had conspired to bring me here. It was humbling, a moment that soared.. a moment of pure gratitude.”
The fact that even after creating a cult following for Mohan Bhatnagar, winning an award and setting a benchmark for actors in a mediocrity infested industry, he is still waiting for a project worthy of him, makes you wonder if he is a misfit in this cookie cutter industry. He pauses, takes his time to answer and says, “What I love is the span between ‘Action’ and ‘Cut.’ What I do in that span is what I love about my job. I find it hard to deal with the rest so maybe, in that sense I am a misfit even though it may not be the right thing to say. But I like to be honest so…”
In all honesty then, what are the things he looks for in a project? “Honesty, people who are passionate about their work, who put their heart in what they do. Who create something worthwhile and not just for money. Who want every shot to be the best possible shot. I can’t presume to comment whether there is a dearth of such people not just in the TV Industry but any other because I know, there are a lot of people who work for the right reasons. I seek that comfort level you get when you work with such a team. When your sensibilities match, your best comes out. People are appreciated when they are honest. You can’t just skim the surface of an emotion and expect a scene to work. Many times in Na Bole..there were scenes when we felt something was missing and none of us felt we were doing our best to improve the written word and Sudhir Sharma endowed us with the luxury to pause and rethink what we were doing even though delays cost money but he and the team wanted to invest in a good scene, a good show and that was the driving force. This passion to look beyond profit and loss. And if you create something at the end of the day that connects with a homemaker in Kanpur, someone in Australia or Ladakh, you have made a connect. No, I don’t look back at the NBT experience with sadness. It was the beginning of so many great things and it was all good..every bit of it. ”
So it was by and large for those who followed the story if only for the way he used up the stuff of life, pain and anguish and joy and the way he made you feel like you were in that moment with him. How is he so real? Does he channel his own emotions or is it the character that drives him? He responds, ” It is a mix of a lot of things. It comes from the comfort level between the team, how much freedom you get. The feeling, memory, or imagination you draw from at a given moment. It depends on your understanding of what is written. On your innate drive to give your best. It could depend even on the superb chai you sip between shots!”
And can actors be trained to be authentic? He says thoughtfully, “Maybe..but the ability to feel. emote, understand can’t be taught. Maybe you can learn how to face the camera and the lights, how to stand and move but the ability to be emotive comes from within..it is innate.” And what about that magical something people describe as chemistry? That he shared till the last scene with Akanksha Singh? Even that last banter on a terrace around washed laundry. And with Dushyant Singh. And Ashnoor. Where does that come from? ” From the need to do good work,” he says simply.
Many artists are driven by fear or dreams. What drives him? “My past drives me. The dreams of the future drive me. The dream of being in a hotel room in a certain corner of the world drives me…of building a house, having a family..even sipping that cup of chai drives me!”
Chai? Always chai? He laughs,” On my own, am a coffee person but on the sets, it is chai that fuels everyone.” He adds like someone who can never leave a moment incomplete, “Different things drive me at different points in time. Hopes, the things you envision. And even things that pull you down.” And what pulls him down? “It could be a scene that is not very well-written. A director that wants to leave early. Even the emotional baggage that you are supposed to leave behind when you come to work. The inability sometimes to do your best.”
Finally one from a pro with whom we empathize the most I guess! It was the 1st article I was forwarded by my friend when I was raving and ranting about NBT!! It summarized the feeling of each one of us so precisely!!
I remember trying to cajole Reema into writing another one towards August after the trending. But I guess she was at that time so upset with the way NBT SS2 was turning out that, she politely declined. I’m happy to note that Reema did watch NBT SS2 as evident from the writing (the end bit). So thanks Reema for writing once more!!
Thanks for a lovely interview and article. There is so much with this actor that every time it like knowing him all over again. Wishing him all the things that he dreams for and hoping he returns to screens as soon as possible.
Thank you reema for the lovely interview/ article. Our Sunday is made reading it. Missing him a lot. Want to see him on our TV screens asap. Looking forward to more such interviews of kunal by you
Thnxxx alottt reema for such a lovlly intrvw of such a great person… love n missing kkk alot alot.. wish him a very bright futureahead and want him back onscreen as soon as possible …n again thnxxx fr sharing
I am absolutely awestruck reading this fab writie up and interview with Kunal. Thank you Reema for this interview, with this interview I feel like I have gotten to know more about Kunal as a person and not the actor. Learnt new things, i,e did not know that Kunal did not want to take up NBTNMKK. As much as I we miss Kunal, brings a smile on my face to read a candid interview like this. I am glad he is making time for himself and family and enjoying him time away.
Hii Reema,
Thanks a ton for the wonderful article and interview. Therez quiet a things we know about him and then therez all this which we don’t know. Thank u for bringing us a little more close to the person we love, respect and who is a Inspiration to many of us. I wish to see him onscreen now, hez being missed terribly. May God Bless him n fulfill all his deams and aspirations.
Thanks again, you made my morning <3
Reemaji as always you have hit the bulls eye.Yes I fully agree Kunal is a very rare breed of actors who are Truthful/Honest in acting-a difficult thing to understand but when you see Kunal acting it comes as if he is really actually doing it..its as if its not an act..its honest..that honesty comes through so poignantly thru Mohan Bhatnagar/Vasu..But yes Kunal is a person not a character of Mohan/Vasu..a person with his imperfections,his own individuality.But as you rightly said he has the connect.Somewhere his eyes,his voice,his expressions, touch your heart.What is very striking in Kunal is non verbal communication..he is beyond outstanding in conveying emotions without even saying a single word..that is the mark of a great actor in the making!The nazm picturised on him in the car,I think with due respect to Big B Kunal crossed that standard..his expressions,his diction,his voice,his anguish,his pain came across so beautifully,Its a milestone in TV shows of recent times.Somehow he has connected,somehow he touches people’s hearts.He is made for definitely bigger things ,he is made for that one Big Screen Film,that will mark the DAWN OF A NEW STAR,A STAR LURKING ON THE HORIZON-KUNALKARAN KAPOOR!
Thanks reema for nice&beautiful
artical.kunal is very talented actor.we lv u lots kunal we miss him lots on tv screen.good bless u kunal,we hopes u achive more success in ur life. Lv u kunal.
So pleasantly surprised to see that Reema has found time to talk to Kunal who has been away after finishing a wonderful piece of drama in the role of Vasu and how he thrilled us with that tilak on his forehead which further enhanced his looks. He may be resting and creating art and photography but here on facebook which I share with thousand others there has not been a single day that goes without missing. him. Coming to awards and in Kunal’s own words he
went back without given his due and the endless disappointment we all share. But then we hold our joy in having seen him amongst the other non-stars as we like to call them and looking the best dressed man. And we take pride and feel happy and wait for the miracle to see back on stage. Kunal must know by now how much he is adored. Every scene of the show is watched and shared and commented on. I have just started to watch the repeat of NBT1 on Rishtey and how I am noticing every detail in the scenes I watch to make them indelible from my memory and oh they are unforgettable ….. Renu’s visit to meet him…..and the surprise he shows and makes her feel she wants something from him…..and then his answer about his wife…..and he says …Wo to ,,,,.bhag gai …….and you can easily die to listen to the way he said and what her said…..It is amazing and after having found those golden moments we just have no time for other ordinary banter from anybody else. So, I wish Kunal to have a great time and look after himself and come back to us for the magic we can only find in him…..and we are all waiting for his appearance on the Indian screen TV or Film whichever. Bye! Reema
Hi reema thanks for sharing this
awesome interview of the most inspiring actor of Indian Television..Thnx a lot
enjoyed your insightful interview Reema …glad to hear Kunal in high spirits. He’s definitely an actor who raised the bar on TV with his incredible emotive capacity and commitment to excellence…. What I admire most about him is being sincere to his craft…he and Akanksha salvaged NBT and made it memorable in the end. Wish him everything good in life.
Thank you so much for such an wonderful article! You have played with words brilliantly and more so with such amazing replies from Kunal! His humility and his approach to life makes one wonder how he does all that! But yeah its great to know that people like him exist who approach acting with such perceptions! Wish he gets his next work as he desires! And without any doubt he is one of the BEST actors in today’s scenario and a very humble, honest and lovable one! Love him! Thak you so much for this lovely interaction with Kunal! One should not miss this one!
Reema, your articles always manage to give us a deeper insight into Kunal – the person, which is really appreciated. Many thanks for yet another terrific piece on him! Kunal’s intelligence and ‘depth of character’ clearly shine thru in his insights – be it on life, work or anything else he chooses to share his thoughts on. And its great to be able to get a glimpse of this side of him! Honestly, after having watched him emote so brilliantly, no other performance in any of the on-air shows manages to impress anymore. He has set the bar that high! Hope to see him in another project that is worthy of him soon. Cheers!
Thanx reema for such a awesome article……missing kunal lottttttt in tv screen just waiting for ur come back
Thank u soooo much for the lovely and needy interview ..missing him badly onscreen.. wish u all luck KKK..
awww kkk! after such a long time… While reading dis interview i realized how much i have been missing dis brilliant personality not just on my tv-screen but also reading his word on my pc-screen too. May godbless him always n fulfill his all current & future dreams. Tnx a ton for dis beautifully written interview, felt like watching him live while he was giving these answer
PLZ come back!
Loved the interview of Kunal. He, as usual, speaks honestly & this gives an insight of his nature. All i can react is, He deserves this love of his fans.
its truly very bad, that such a talented actor never got his due. I feel sorry, till now, he has not been signed for a new role. I wish & pray to God, he is back on TV really soon. Miss this wonderful actor very much.
A Millions of likes for this one..dis one beautifully written article making us more close to our fav Hero..loved every bit of whatever he said..day by day anything and everything about him only increases the LOVE and RESPECT for HIM..Reema Maam Kudos to U…& LOADS of LOVE to KUNAl..:)
Many thanks Reema ..it’s always a pleasure to read your take on the most talented actor on TV today. I’ve stopped watching serials on TV. Nothing remotely interesting, and I’m totally allergic to all those expressionless morons with big biceps. Good stuff on TV is so rare these days, and out of this rare stuff we have to wait for something really substantial to be offered to Kunal. Honestly what are the chances we’ll see him back in the near future? Zero, I would think
Thanks a tonnn Reema for this awesome interview.
An article of Kunal by you is always very special..we always wait to have one.
Wish ‘People’s smile’ keeps on inspiring Kunal bcz nothing can be more inspiring and may his dream of a family and a house in a hill..soon comes true.
Want him back on screen with yet another unforgettable character.
Thanks for the wonderful article.Very very nice.reading his interviews like seeing an old portrait / river.
Wow what an awesome interaction..thanks a ton for this..kunal really is one of the best actor television industry got..wish him best in life & hope he gets the kind of role he wants..keep inspiring us kunal..love ya loads.
Simple, thoughtful questions and honest, unaffected answers – a good interview can be such a treat. Many thanks to both of you.
What an interview…loved it.
Thank you:)
“What connect cannot be judged or measured”…so well said:)
I liked that you questioned KKK about his acting skills and what inspires him…I just loved his complete and deep answer to it.
KKK is very talented and I agree with him that we have not seen all jet. The popularity MB got is all because of KKK’s mind blowing performance…imagine what he will be able to do with a character that is powerful, challenging and worthy of him.
I really hope that the next character he is offered is from a person who has studied KKK’s performance and create a character with KKK’s mind blowing acting ability in mind.
I just cannot wait for KKK to be back. The way he connects with his character makes you connect with him, and the experience is just speechless.
There are very few…three actually…actors that has been able to amaze me like this.
I admire his talent and his capability to create something beautiful, powerful and with a lot of depth.
I admire the way he is “bindass” I mean…not everyone can just take off and drive somewhere without knowing where he or she is going….Or go to an airport and take any flight that feels right without planning.
KKK is an inspiration himself.
Reema your interviews are always a delight—you always hit the nail on the head—you put into words all the emotions we feel for our rockstar—
Really sad came away from GPA without getting his due—totally rigged because if you saw the votes he was leading by miles–but cheers to a brilliant year ahead–
I hope you soon get a project worthy of you–much much love hope to see you soon
I luv u kunal g plz rply
Very well written article by Reema as usual. I am really envious of writers as thye can convey the feelings so magically and it echoes everybody’s thoughts.
Kunal, the best thing about you is your genuinity which comes across to anyone who meets you. Contrary to your beliefs, , people get a feeling of meeting a truly honest and warm human being. Be as you are
this actor is so good and whenever i see him or read any article about him i grow more respect towards him . really i feel there is someone who could see the magic inside kunal and that was unboxwriters who bring such great articles about kunal . really this man is something so unique that i cannot avoid him and i always admire him so much . his simplicity as an actor and no arrogance of being popular . so simple yet being so unique . he never looks like he is acting as his acting is so realistic that i always think that this actor is really living the character and never acting . this actor is truly perfect and does not need anything more . GOD has made a beautiful gift for us in a person kunal karan kapoor – the epitome of perfection . beat any role he plays to the fullest and he is not arrogant that makes him so special and unique . love this actor . love you kunal . and i must say i can never imagine nbt without kunal as it would be empty as kunal was the soul of the show . he played mohan so well as his personal character is much like mohan only . he is so realistic means the word ‘ chai ‘ proves that he is totally an typical indian guy . the comfort level of him as a actor is so vast and i think he will be truly a man who will go very high in each field he goes . and i truly feel that kunal will rock as a director also if we wants to be a director . truly missing him so so much . missing kunal gestures his smile and all the things . honesty is the best policy and simplicity is the best policy simply proves kunal as a person . he is so indian and so honest and simple thats why he shall go very high in each field . ‘ dil ko shaq hai magar shayad hum phir mile ” love kunal
thanks reema for writing a wonderful article once more
wow wat a great article first of al thanks a lot reema. I started my search about tis great lovable person recently…. started collecting his pics n while searching to know more about him went through tis article wow I dono how my time went whine reading his article n ppl comments about him. iam basically Tamilian who started watching his serial dubbed in Tamil recently I got inspired by kunal n today only completed watching all d future episodes of na bole tum part one through youtube. wat a man kind v simply rock yar. though I can’t understand Hindi his emotions n reactions made me to feel like tat iam part of tat scene… at many scene tat too especially wen he says his feeling about Megha in front of vyas family I cried …. but I didn’t miss u man…. since my screen saver… wallpaper.. ringtone… alarm tone s everything u only which made me to feel like am watching nbt always…. am mad n crazy fan of u man…. Sunna:-)if I get a chance to meet tats d day of ma life.. now travelling in train n watching run set outside remembers ur interview wen ever I saw d run set ll remind u kunal…. u r simply superb…. wat ever happens dont leave ur honesty n simplicity n d humour sense u ve which makes ur life lively…. if I can’t force myself to stop typing I can’t stop writing about u.:/ but noone stops me thinking about u…. I dont ve tat self control n dont try to do tau too which makes me fly on air always:-)u ll succeed in all ur life.n I ve total confident on tat…. Chalo I ll stop with tis…. bye enjoy ur life to d fullest…. life s short n once so enjoy each n every moment u can I started enjoying my Sun set …. kunal… u too ve a wonderful n colorful year ahead:-)
Waouh amazing bravo, what u write is really fabulous, i really miss na bole tum. KKK is of course a big artist. Kwader i agree with u i don’t have time to watch other boring show. Just one word from mohan is just awesome. I’m from france, and i really appreciate the work of KKK.
And yeah the way season 1 show how a indian young is it’s very interesting
I hope the best for KKK in the future.
thanx for the insightful article…kunal has many layers to his characters and wat i love is his honesty which gets reflected even in his performance….no doubt he is the darling of millions of hearts….
thanks a lot for connecting us with KKK. his presence is missed daily. plz come back with the bang….best of luck!!
Hi Reema, I loved all your articles about Kunal Karan Kapoor. All is true and well said. It’s like you read the thoughts of all his fans and put it on words there. I have watched many serials and movies. No actor touched my heart so much as KKK does. Kunal Karan Kapoor is an actor “beyond par excellence”.
I started watching ‘Nenjam Pesuthe’ the Tamil dubbed NBT 1 and so lost in Kunal’s acting and story, ended up watching the whole NBT Season 1 and Season2 episodes more than 2 times in the last 2 months. I still randomly go choose my favorite episodes from NBT Season 1 and 2 especially the Mohan & Megha scenes or Vasu and Megha scenes and watch them again and again. Kunal has excelled himself as an actor in this serial. Let it be the crime reporter Mohan or the chief editor Mohan Bhatnagar or the tough Vasu he has not missed to mesmerize us in his each character and he made us long for his return back to the screen. How come the big or small screen should not have signed him for anything? How come they let an actor who could speak volumes just with his eyes and body language could go on such a long vacation?
At this moment I would like to thank the whole NBT team for giving us a wonderful serial that will always stay in our heart. We fell in love with this serial for the story line and the screen play, dialogue and the way camera shows each emotions. But it was especially Kunal and supporting cast the beautiful talented actress Aakanksha who created that sizzling chemistry with Kunal and all the other supporting cast (especially Nanni (Ashnoor), 1st Addu (Vishesh Bansal), Guru and JiJi bua). I miss you all so much but enjoying you again by watching ‘Nenjam Pesuthe’ and falling in love with all of you all over again. Though the story got sidetracked in NBT season 2 1st part bringing lots of unwanted characters and story they brought it back to track with Vasu and Megha story line
Thanks Reema for all your wonderful articles and keep writing about Kunal and do not let the media forget him for a second.
Hi Reema
Rather late in the day, considering your article was written in January!!! Actually, I love the title song of the serial and was listening to it. On a whim decided to track what Kunal is up to now after NBT and came across this post on his FB page.
Your article about his passions and ideas on life mirror too close to home, since it bought back memories of a close friend I lost recently in the prime of his life.
If I were to write Lasheen’s life story it would very much have been like this, though my pal was not an actor or any celebrity, just an ordinary bloke who had the extraordinary talent to touch so many people’s lives in his short sojourn on earth (Remembering Lasheen Mannayath on FB).
His blogs on ordinary sights and a cup of chai is still treasured by many who deeply feel his loss. Thanks Reema sometimes comfort comes from the most unlikely sources.
Hope your dreams come true..
when will u come back on screen
The honesty that is an integral part of his personality comes across .thats what we love and his non starry behavior apart from his awesome acting of course .Reena ,great article
Hi Reema . Thank you. Your article was a pleasure to read Kunal Karan Kapoor is one of my favorite actors. His chemistry with both akanksha and all the children on the screen was amazing. So many scenes with just gestures of eyes were perfect. l the best for your career.
Reema I wish you all the very best in life. Hoping I get to read more from you.
First of all, I wanna thank Reema for the wonderful article.
so many, were told so many things
well, I have no words other than that
Though,Kunal Karan Kapoor is just a human. Gems of pureheart amazing personality…
I want he to be happy forever in his life.
may god give him a perfect life partner and to lead a happy healthy life
well, she must be an other mom to him
Love you kunal!!!
U stayed in my heart as Mohan Bhatnagar forever.Because I believe you always as Mr.Mohan Bhatnagar(Star Reporter)
God Bless You My Love!!!
We like Mr. Kunal, but we can’t see, we wants to send some gifts to him, shall i get any officeial address of Mr. Kunal