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Roamed a while amid the lush green trees,
across heaps of crushed leaves,
Strolled within the crowning bulge of the sun,
Smelled the warm scent of the freshly baked bun,
Poured coffee, steaming over the headlines,
Shivered  in the crisp chill around the nearby pines,
Smiled at a wrinkled soul wandering aloof with his own pace,
Smiled also at a  flower, who smiled back with its fresh face,
Walking mornings, is a healthy habit I was told,
Healthier, once you fill yourself with the vibrant ..misty cold,
But then the sun finally wakes up on our side of the world,
And all of us have to fold the blankets in a curl,
And breathe into the sweat and smoke of the day,
Spill out the freshness, the smile, the morning breeze
on those brazen figures of clay.

 Eshani Sathe is a student, a Kathak dancer, a blogger and celebrates her passionate connect with life by writing endlessly, tirelessly  on

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