We all look in the mirror each day. Maybe more than once. Admire ourselves or even flinch at what we see sometimes. But have you ever wondered what your soul would look like in the mirror? I used to. A lot! Till a day, I came across this guy. He was neither an acquaintance nor a friend in the passing. He was something else. Gorgeous, adorable, like those cuddly teddy bears you see in gift stores and just wanna hold and never let go. But you can’t.

He was someone who heard me out, understood me, didn’t judge me, pulled my leg to the extent that I would refuse to talk to him but also be there when I needed him the most, and also thought I was beautiful even at my worst. We spoke every single day and life took a different turn. A better turn. He became the one who knew every move of mine. Instead it was like we moved in harmony. Sitting miles away in a different place, he knew when I broke my hand or my heart. There have been times when he has actually read my mind. Echoed my thoughts even in the same sentence structure.

He got worried even when I looked low even if  I was not and complained that I smiled less at times. He was my guardian angel. With all this, I wonder if we were just good friends. We have even had discussions about it. But still haven’t come to a conclusion. And maybe I never want to. I somehow like it this way.

He is someone special who I will treasure till my last breath irrespective of what tomorrow holds. Through him I know what my soul looks like because he has one so similar to mine.  I know now that yes,  my soul has a mirror image. And it is beautiful.

Vanilla Sharma is a Mass Communications student, likes writing, cooking, reading and adores fashion.

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