The lights of a distant town twinkle .

Stars dot the skies like diamonds on a velvet cloak.

Crickets chirp a chorus.

A gentle breeze flows through the undulating countryside.

Night has fallen on my world as of now.

Enveloping me in its comforting embrace.

I love the night.

The silence

The solitude

The comfort it offers.

The veil behind which one can hear one’s thoughts.

The space where one can just be…

The time when one can prepare

To face another dawn of noise and chaos.

The night is my sanctuary.

My healing balm against the front lines of my daily battles.

I love the night.

Rachna Tiwari is a hospitality professional, residing in Gurgaon and working in New Delhi. She hails from a services background and has lead a nomadic life in her formative years. Her interests include reading, movies and writing a blog about pretty much anything which catches her fancy!

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