Religion is a just a life jacket
But in a storm you need more
Not all storms come to destroy
Not all islands offer refuge
God is not a ritual
Evil is not outside
The terrors we see around us
often begin within
Even when we are adrift
we are getting somewhere
A story is just that
A story
till we believe it
Reality is often or maybe always
what we make of it
We can’t make sense of the ocean
We can only hold on to our boats
through moonlit nights
and storms
and infinite loneliness
and sudden showers of abundance
Anger and fear are beasts
that must be tamed
or they will tame you
It is important to know
the little.. one can know
but also that
we cannot know even ourselves
That it is important to conclude
stories and to say thank you and goodbye
but that sometimes..
we may have to live with the unsaid
possibly forever..
Suffering does not have to mean anything
and it passes
and not everything makes sense
or has to
Sometimes the story is not finished
and it is enough that we lived it
in its unfinished continuum
And though we may just be little boats
on the oceans of eternity
we count
we belong
And sometimes all we can do
is to surrender
and to say to ourselves..
“And above all..don’t lose hope.”
 Reema Moudgil has been writing on art, theatre, cinema, music, gender issues, architecture and more in leading newspapers and magazines since 1994.  Her first novel Perfect Eight ((–&_r=dyRavyz2qKxOF7Yuc )won her an award from the Public Relations Council of India in association with Bangalore University. She also edited Chicken Soup for Indian Woman’s Soul and runs  She  writes art catalogues and has scripted a commissioned documentary or two. She has exhibited her paintings in Bangalore and New York,  taught media studies to post graduates and hosts a daily ghazal show Andaz-e-Bayan on Radio Falak.

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