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Today we discuss how you go about storing the things you shopped for. Because something as simple as this can ALSO be messed up. Seen your purchase wilting before time? Seen things rotting away despite storing them the what-you-thought-was-the-right-way? Try this then.

Storing your haul:
 – Do not use polythene bags,  – use re-usable ziplock bags if you want, especially for curry leaves and green chillies, coriander leaves etc. They behave brilliantly well when stored this way and last longer.
– Use perforated freezer bags for all other vegetables – perforation helps them breathe – else they will shrivel up and stink.
– Do not let any veggie stay in your fridge beyond a week.
 – Stating the obvious here- but potatoes, yam, onions, colocasia and garlic need not be refrigerated.
– Ginger need not be refrigerated – but some climates demand that they be stored inside the fridge – again, use ziplock bags or air-tight containers.
 – Paneer should be stored in the deep freezer- if store-bought, I am guessing we all know that, and must be used within 3-4 days. If you have made fresh paneer at home, its okay to keep it covered in the fridge (not freezer) but please use it up within 3-4 days because remember, home-made paneer has no stabilizing agent.
– Cheese need not be frozen – just store in the fridge in an airtight container – however, if you have got shredded cheese, put it in the freezer. Also, cheese that contain more than 45% fat alone need to be frozen. The rest will behave normally in the fridge.
 – Eggs should be stored narrow-end down-And preferably deep inside the refrigerator and not in the door of your refrigerator. Consider pasteurizing your eggs please. Check your eggs before you cook them – cracked shell? Dispose immediately. And do not store beyond a week. This is especially important for people who are recovering from an illness and pregnant women.
 – Dals and grains must be stored in airtight containers- and the containers must be cleaned on and off. You don’t want an infestation, right? Also, store away from sunlight but not in dank and dark places – allow light and keep dry.
 – Want your besan, rice flour and other powders to last longer and stay uninfected?- Refrigerate them.
– DO NOT refrigerate any fruit, please- Fruit is delicate and has very volatile nutrients. Consume them while they are fresh. DO NOT cut open a fruit and leave it there, whether in the open or in your fridge – fruit, once cut open, will be useless 20 minutes later. Might as well eat a bottle of colour.
Reema Prasanna is a baking coach, cook, travel & food Writer, blogger, ex-Googler, bathroom singer and wife to the most amazing  man.  More about her here