The shrill ring of the phone snapped you out of your reverie – 8:30 am every day. It was no surprise. It was the same person. Always.

Hours passed like minutes, years passed like months – we grew up together. When the phone wasn’t engaged, we spent our time  huddled over a scoop of ice cream, or taking the long walk home. Love and life were our favorite topics – we laughed till we cried, and cried till we laughed – always together.

Hearts broke and tempers flared, but thankfully we were not responsible for either. Instead we saw each other through everything. Houses, beaches, dances  were on top of our list. We studied together and yet learnt the most important lessons outside in the world, still together.

Many like us were put to the test; but we proved ourselves – we didn’t know it then, but distance was no match for us. We were rewarded aplenty. Nights were longer than the days, time longer than ever. It seemed like we had our whole lives ahead of us – meals, parties, holidays, movies – all together. Hours again passed like minutes and two years passed like barely two months. We were at the crossroads yet again. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the last time distance played its wicked game.

We’ve lived almost next door, and more than a 1,000 miles away, and it’s never felt any different.

Could 25 be our lucky number?

Faye Rodrigues is employed full-time, but makes time to put pen to paper in pursuing her passion for writing. Her dream is to travel the world and write about her adventures. Her passion for travel goes beyond merely reaching a destination – it lies in the adventure of getting there. She believes in the motto – “Live like everyday is your last… Love as though no one is watching you… Write like it’s your only means of communication… Travel as though the world is next door.”