I’ve been contemplating meditation, to escape inconvenient realities. To distance myself from wickedness. Long swims in the sea, long conversations in the moonlight, nothing seems to change the harsh reality that there is  nothing you can do to change people willing to be led by the nose to believe in whatever the world is stuffing down their throats. No one seems to want to read, learn, exchange and understand information being bandied about with gusto. For those of you who believe that antagonism and aggression is the way to change the world, let go. Let go of your righteous anger – once you stand on the cliff and stare out at the vastness of the universe ahead of you, you will know why I say so. To witness the inky sea melt into the blazing purple-orange sun splashed across the sky, is to know the insignificance of the human race in the way of the universe. Once you know the way the pink of dawn makes the sea sparkle, you know you don’t matter.
Again, borrowing from a wise aunty,  “Our entire biological system, the brain and the Earth itself, work on the same frequencies.” (via Nikola Tesla).Yes, you should tune in to the universe. And yes, you can see sound. Yes, you can feel sunshine happiness exploding from within. Yes, you can spend hours cooking up wonderful stew in connivance with your equally unsure-if-I’m-terrified-or-bored-of-cooking flatmates while listening to Yousuf Islam and be perfectly happy. The once fungus infested mango tree is blossoming. The thief only took paper we pretend makes us oh-so-important (yes, money). I had a word with the dog, he’s stopped going through our trash. He only comes to poop in our yard now. The sand flats shine a strange silver as they reflect the star spattered sky.
Everywhere you turn, there are governments, corporations, enforcement agencies and individuals. Everyone wants to tag you and bag you. So as you rage against the Japanese who allow mass murders of dolphins or those who continue to torture dogs for ‘fun’, as you lie to cover your sins or hide your mistakes, remember the Rastaman. With every screwed up thought you think, with every fake kinda love you impose on someone, Remember the Rastaman, for he sang of freedom, love and the power of music.
‘The point is
Ultimately, is there is only spirit, nothing but spirit
You can call it anything you want, by either way you can call it, you know
Brahma or, the divine or, Buddha, nature, or emptiness
Or whatever, you know, floats your boat’

The world will self-destruct when it’s time coz there aint no fury like Mother Nature scorned. In the meantime, ignore your doubters, look forward to silence and sunsets and lovable dogs, and begin to believe.
Because the truth is, you don’t become at one with anything
There is only the one’
Radhika is a Travel Tripper, Dog Lover, Hippie Blogger, & Trance Dancer currently engaged in advocacy & awareness for animal welfare & human rights. She believes in body art, the power of karma, pure freedom & the possibility of a happier world. When she’s not playing with puppies on the beach, she can be found at Video Volunteers in Goa. She blogs at