She was the rocks
that embraced the oceans.
Like lovers holding on to one another.
Like rain water holds onto earth
and like the earth that holds it back –
love evident from the fragrance.

She’s bosomed many a love;
watched them grow,
seen them bloom.
And she looks spectacular, like spring
the flamboyance of red and yellow gulmohars!
Lovers speckled along her path like
entwined confetti.

She held hands with her lover,
Oh, so in love!
Watched the catamaran
sail through the sun.
The breeze wild
still in tight embrace –
a sense of freedom.

Her eyes well up
as the oceans froth against her smooth skin.
She waits, like the sun waits for his lady love
that creates ripples as she rises every evening.
Like shimmering diamonds.
Like laughing children.

She is still the rocks,
this lovers arena called Bandstand
that embraces the oceans.
Waiting for lovers
with welled up eyes
as she watches over the concrete wall
that separates her from them.
The lovers watching her back
with shut eyes.

The birds perch on her back
sweet ballads piercing souls
in the still of the night.
Like rain water holds onto earth
and like the earth that holds it back –
its fragrance reminding you of
lost love.